Monday, March 24, 2008

Pictures from this weekend...

Some pictures from this weekend. I will post more pictures from the Easter Egg Hunt tonight. Just trying to get some pictures on the blog. Enjoy. Now off to figure out what I am going to do with the kids while we are on spring break from Pre-school. So that only means......more pictures to come. Enjoy! :)Sesil
Phyllis (aka "tia") and Sammie

The baskets for the kids....The easter bunny came and knocked on the door and droped them off.

Caroline and her expression when she got her basket.

Drew discovering his loot in his basket.

Sammie being the good big sister and about to deliver Caroline's basket to her.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter!!!

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter. We are heading over to Phyllis' parents house in Indiana and celebrate Easter with her and her family. They are like our second family.

So in preparation for Easter we dyed eggs on Good Friday with the kids and here are some pictures of the process.

The Eggs

The Dye for the eggs

Caroline, Sammie and Drew making a mess.

Drew totally enjoying the process.

Sammie concentrating on completing the process just perfectly.

Here is a video of the kids dying the eggs. Get ready to laugh

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Pictures to see

Kelly Purkey came over to the house on Sunday to take some pictures of me and the kids. I have not been able to see all of them yet but here are two posted on her blog. Just click on the link and it will take you to the exact post.

Thank you Kelly!

I met Kelly while working at Windy City Scrapbooking. Kelly moved to Utah to work with a Scrapbooking Vendor as a designer but now she is back in Chicago. Kelly has many accomplishments in the scrapbooking world. She is a designer for many vendors and occasionally writes articles for Creating Keepsakes Magazine. So to have her take pictures of the kids is an honor for me. I never get pictures of me and the kids so I am totally excited. As you can see she is amazing.

Okay... that is all for now. I have a busy week at work this week. In Chicago Creating Keepsakes Magazine is hosting a Convention for scrapbookers 366 attendees this year. And the store will be open late till midnight from Wed to Sat. So I am working 5 - midnight every night that we are open to help out. So I will be beat by Sunday.
I am just excited to see who comes to the store to visit while the convention is in town. I know my favorite scrapbook celebrity is coming to the store tonight Ali Edwards. So okay.... enough about me and my world of scrapbooking. Enjoy! :)

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Caroline and her teeth...

Here is a video of Caroline and her two teeth. It took forever for her teeth to come in. Now they are sprouting like weeds. Poor thing is constantly teething. So here is my little "snaggle tooth" daughter.
