Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A day at the mall....

Made it to the mall today. We made an attempt to go shopping but that was quickly dissolved when Andrew and Sweet C were climbing on the detectors at the front of the store to make sure you are not stealing anything...We weren't stealing anything just our kids thought it was a jungle gym. Not a good start.

We got off to a slow start and didn't get to the mall until noon. So we headed off to the food court. As some of you know I have my Chick-fil-a obsession since leaving Texas I have to have it once I am back. So needless to say I got a chick-fil-a sandwich. Yum!

So after lunch we let the kids ride the merry go round in the mall. Okay.. they rode it 4 times. They had fun and I am glad Robert is able to go around and around and not get sick on the thing. NOT ME.

After the merry go round we head to go ice skating. Get our skates on and everyone has to get off the ice for the Zamboni to clear the ice. Nice great timing again. By the time it was done and they were allowing people on the ice my feet were already killing me. Make it to the ice with Drew and Sammie, and I am crying by the time I get to the first corner of the ice rink. Sammie and I were hanging on to the wall. I just wanted her to get use to the ice. By the time I was half way around the rink with sammie I was done! My feet were not letting me do a thing. Now I have tears in my eyes from the pain from the skates. RObert took Drew around the rink a couple of times...man..Robert is a trooper. I had to get off the ice and take off the darn skates. I was done. But Robert was able to get Drew around a couple of times then Drew was done. Then Sammie's turn...it was good she did a great job. By this time Sweet C and Lola were at the ice rink too. I took Drew's skates and put them on Sweet C and sent her to her dad. Poor RObert had to stay on the ice with all the kids. But overall they had fun...and isn't that was the whole thing is about...the kids?

We make it home and right before bed Robert says...my stomach hurts...I ask ..is it something you ate...no just from ice skating with the kids. Great ab workout...ice skating with the kids. Try it sometime...just don't fall on the ice.

Have a great day. Having fun in Texas! Keep yall posted on our everyday ordinary life. Love ya.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Texas Snowman

Yesterday Robert and the kids made this....a Texas Snowman.

Thought you would get a kick out of the snowman. He was about 3 feet tall. (taller than the kids.)

We are having fun here with family. Keep posting more pictures soon.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

We made it to Texas....Merry Christmas

We made it to Texas. Yesterday was wonderful and in the 60's. The kids played outside and had a great time.
Today...cold and it is snowing. It never snows in Texas. Oh well. Maybe we will have a white Christmas. Had a great dinner with mom, dad and Jubert. Kids are taking a bath and getting ready for bed and waiting for Santa. I will make sure I take lots of pictures. Party at my cousin's house for lunch...Merry Christmas.


Sunday, November 01, 2009

Halloween 09

Warning...ton of pictures! We had a great time. Enjoy.

Drew loved his spiderman outfit. I painted his face because
I didn't like the mask that it came with.

Sammie wanted to be a seal so I had to make her costume. She loved it!

Getting ready to go trick or treating.

Everyone needed a buddy. Zu zu and Sammie paired up.

Caroline and Drew paired up. Then we were off.

Up to the door "trick or treat". It was soo cute to hear the little voices and all of them would open their bags.

Mission accomplished. Off to the next house.

Drew even helped out opening the door.

Drew was soo excited that he got a BIG Candy.

Poor Sweet C was scared at some of the houses.

Sam is a pro.

Spidy Drew!

After the trick or treating we partied over at Temple's. Great party Temple.

Count Cratin...got any blood?

Cindy and Jackson

Enjoying the homemade mac and cheese. Yum.

We had a great time for our last Chicago Halloween.


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Who is that?

Look who has a new haircut.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Blue Harbor Resort in Sheboygan, WI

We made it to Sheboygan, WI last night. Here are some pictures of our trip.

Here we are ready to head out to the water park.

Sweet C testing the water.

Sammie and Drew posing for the camera. Drew is pointing at the waterfall.

First attempt at a family picture. Love the self timer on the camera

Okay. Finally a decent picture.

We are having a great time. I think this is what we needed. Sammie has been riding all the water slides with Robert. Drew just likes splashing around in the water. Sweet C has no fear. She has gone on the big water slide twice. FEARLESS. Have a good one!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Summer Re-cap..

Where did the summer go?

If some of you already don't know we have been working on trying to get our house on the market. Our plan is to move WEST! Salt Lake City, UT is where we want to relocate. (okay... that is another post)

*Wade and Jamie got married. *Christina and Dave had their first baby. *Put our house on the market. *Working on the house. So that is where our summer went...Sorry no pictures. (that is another post)

But everything is going good here at the Cratin house. We are trying to get Drew potty trained but I am having a hard time with it. He has no interest. We can not send him to a new pre-school until he is potty trained. Looks like he will be staying home with me and Sweet C. We are trying to send Sammie to pre-K (due to her birthday in mid Sept she misses the cut of date to get into Kindergarten.) Hopefully she will be able to get in. I feel like we are applying for college. Darn schools. But everything else is going okay.

Take care.. Signature

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Sammie's Ballet Performance

Today was Sammie's first ballet performance with a live audience. She is one of the youngest in her class. (that is why she is so much smaller than the other kids.) Sammie was sick all week and I was scared that she wouldn't get better before today but she is a trooper. Great job Sammie!

Taking pictures with Sweet C. Drew was way too tired to take pictures.

Daddy was so proud of his little ballerina.

We are so proud of you, Sammie.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

May re-cap

May is almost gone. So we have been busy this month, Caroline and Drew's birthday, visitors this month were Angie from Arizona; Bob and Dottie from Montana; and Wade. So here are the kids birthday video. ENJOY

Caroline's Birthday Video

Drew's Birthday Video

While Bob and Dottie were in town we went to the Shedd Aquarium. It was great to finally meet Dottie after all these years. I thought she was just a figment of Bob and Robert's imagination. Dottie thought the same about me and the kids. Love ya Dot!

I will post pictures tomorrow. Gotta get some rest.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

editing the blog...

I am learning how to customize the blog. You will see a ton of changes in the next couple of days. I will be posting soon. life is full of crazy things. :)SESIL

Monday, January 12, 2009

Snow... and more snow.

Some pictures when the kids were playing outside.