Tuesday, March 07, 2006

A typical day in Chicago....

So we are back in Chicago.....
Sammie started Gymboree classes. She absolutely loves it. It gives her a chance to run around and climb, jump and not get hurt. She loves it!!!! I have to take some pictures while she is in class.

I am just trying to keep up with Sammie and being pregnant. The pregnancy is going good....I have the typical back pain from where the baby sits in my belly. This baby loves to kick box. Sammie liked to redecorated...It felt like she had a rolling brush inside me repainting the walls. This one likes to do flips and sudden kicks and throw an elbow out every now and then. Needless to say they are very sudden and sometimes they hurt. But....Still can not tell if it is a boy or a girl. Let us know what you think. Let Robert know your pick on when I will have the baby, gender and time. My official due date is May 16th. Good luck... I will keep you posted on the pregnancy and Sammie. ;)SESIL

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