Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Family Update.... Long! Valentine's Week

Sorry for the slaking on the bogging. Okay…A ton has happened while the last post.
So this will be a long post. (Sorry)

Feb 9th... I worked in the morning and Robert watched the kids. But that night we had “Date Night” Can I tell you how long it has been since we have been out to dinner by ourselves? Too long. Okay…Thanks to Art we enjoyed a night out at Morton’s Steakhouse. Can I just tell you that was the best dinner in a long time. You know that this Texas girl has to have her steak. I know everyone in the restaurant was looking and us and all the food we ordered….but guess what. We ate it all. Yes the pregnant lady can put down the food. So thank you Art.

Chicago got hit with a snow storm. It was so cold and so much snow came down. Cousin John was in the Chicago area for business and stopped by to visit with us while in town.

Tuesday everyone was at home due to all the snow that fell the night before. But despite the snow Cat and Cathy came over for our play date. Sammie loves it when Cathy comes over to play. They did arts and crafts all day. Sammie loved the beads and glue. What a fun day for Sammie.

(Flash back to Friday 2/9)
Okay… I have to back up a little for you to get the full effect of this story…..So last week at my doctor apt. I took the hour glucose test. I successfully failed the test. So I called Robert to see what day he was going into work late so I could go back to take the Three hour glucose test. So he tells me on Wed. I will be going in late. Not a problem…I schedule my testing on Wed. morning.

Later that same day Robert calls me and asks what I am doing for Valentine’s Day. I tell him resentfully…Sitting in at the doctor’s office for three hours getting blood drawn every hour on the hour and not enjoying the experience. Then he tells me…you have to re-schedule because “YOU ARE GOING TO SEE OPRAH!” Okay… I thought he was totally joking. But he wasn’t. So I asked my friend Al to come with me. Needless to say she was totally excited.

So again later that day Robert calls back and says “I have to go too because the tickets are under my name. Great I am going to be one of the four guys there.” So I scrambled to find someone to take care of the kids that morning. Thankfully Dannette and Ryan willing took the kids for the morning.

Okay…Fast forward to 2/14
So we wake up and of course we are running late. (Are the Cratin’s ever on time?) So we get the kids up and out of the house at 6:00 a.m. (Keep in mind that they usually wake up around 8:30). Because we are running late we lost the transition time we had allocated for the kids to adjust to Dannette and Ryan. So we dropped the kids off and headed of to the Harpo Studio. Al meet us at Danntte and Ryan’s house. So we get to the studio around 7:20 we had to be there by 7:30. So right before we get to the studio Dannette calls to see if there was a trick to get Sammie to stop crying. (I am thinking great…she is going to give Danette a hard time.) So I told her the cookie trick. Glad I packed those cookies. Dannette assured me everything will be okay and enjoy the show.

We get in the studio and it is defiantly a well oiled machine. Audience members go through and get to a desk where they check IDs and your name off the reservation list. (We had to give full names prior to coming to the show) If you had a purse they searched the purse, and if you had any electronics they took it and gave you a claim ticket, there was also a huge closet for coat check. Then you finally walk through the metal detector.

It was funny when we got there. They made me sit towards the doors and the bathrooms “due to my condition” (okay being pregnant) So Al had to go to the upstairs holding area. They started seating everyone in the studio. You would have to stop before you sat down and they would escort you to the area you were allowed to sit. Once everyone was in the studio they started rearranging people to move to the front seating area. So, if you had “the look” they put you up front or if you were a VIP… honestly, there was not a bad seating the studio very intimate seating for 300. Once Oprah entered the studio you could definitely feel her aura, very strong and amazing. The taping started and it was just neat to see the behind the scene action. The topic was overcoming tragedy in one’s life and overcoming them. There was a football player (a rags to riches story), a guy that was in prison and after his sentence he is now the executive chef at the Ballagio, then there was a lady that lost her husband and her two year old sun in a plane accident (this story was a real tear jerker). Robert insists that they got me crying and I will be on the show. But we will see. I am not sure when it will show but I will let you know. It is one of the shows that will be a filler show. No movie openings or anything…so keep checking on

So after the show we go and drop off Al and pick up the kids. Sammie was fine after Dannete called but Andrew cried the entire time until his nap time. I was so worried about Sammie but it was Drew that was having the hard time. Sammie made new friends with Collin and Evan. Thank you Dannete and Ryan! You helped make my Valentine’s Day perfect.

Robert had to go to work after we got home. When he returned home Sammie and I gave him the valentine hearts we made for him and Robert gave me flowers and an assortment of cookies and other sweets he knew I would enjoy. He knows me too well…I am not a big fan of plain chocolate.

I ended up working most of the day. Then after work went to a knitting night with Bonnie, she is teaching me how to knit. So I started off with a scarf. Something good to do while I take my Glucose test the next day.

Took my Glucose test in the morning went home to take a nap and into work for the evening crop.

Robert won free burritos at Chipolte so I packed up the kids and headed out to the store to have some FREE LUNCH. Then I got back home and the kids took a nap. Later on that day George, Amy and Trevor came over. I was so tired I could only stay up till 9:30. Then I think Wade and Jamie came over for a little bit. But I did not get to see them because I was out cold.

LAZY DAY…Just watched the kids and hung out at the house. Then later Phil came over to watch the kids and Robert and I went to the movies. Can you believe it….another night out by ourselves? We went and saw “Little Children” it was a good movie. We even made it back in time to watch “Little Miss Sunshine” that was a funny movie. So Phil stayed the night and we all were in bed fairly early.

President’s Day!
Phil woke up with the kids and that was a great treat. Robert and I could actually sleep in for a little. So I got up and took Phil home and headed into Target. So got back and Robert headed into work.

The last couple of days have been boring. Same old same old. I will do better about bogging. I will start posting pictures of the day or pictures of the week.

Have a good one! I will touch base with you soon.

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