Wednesday, July 11, 2007

just a few things...

Here is a video of the kids. This is how we spend most of the day. PLAYING!!!

I wish.

So I do have a funny story to tell...
Everyday the ice cream truck comes through the neighborhood quite often. So one day Sammie asks if we can get ice cream from the truck. I keep telling her.."sorry Sammie Mommy doesn't have any money. We need money to get ice cream from the truck." so this went on for about three days. On the forth day she hears the ice cream truck and asks "Mommy, did you find money yet for the truck?" I had to laugh and tell her "no dear you have to tell your daddy to give mommy some money so we can get some ice cream." That night Robert comes home and Sammie immediately says "Daddy, go find money for mommy!" Not knowing what she was talking about I burst into laughter and explain to him what happened earlier that day. So she did ask her daddy to give/find me money for the ice cream truck. So now we always have a couple of bucks just in case the ice cream truck comes by.

Andrew and Caroline are doing great! Andrew is defiantly a little boy. Always banging things on the ground or throwing them across the room...that is Andrew. Caroline is starting to smile, she smiles at Drew but not to Sammie. We will see who will gang up on whom.

thought I would post to give everyone a good laugh. :)Sesil

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