Monday, October 15, 2007


Last night Robert and I took Sammie and Drew to the circus. Sammie was excited and kept talking about the elephants, tigers and seeing JoJo(If some of you don't know Jo Jo is a clown on her TV show with Playhouse Disney and is her favorite cartoon) the ENTIRE way to the circus. We get there and get the tickets. We got general admition tickets so we found some seats and Robert was off to get the snacks and goodies. While waiting for the show to start they have elephant rides and pony rides for the kids to participate. We decided that was not something for us but the kids did like watching all the other kids riding the animals. Andrew kept waving a the elephants. Robert gets back with the goodies and the show finally starts.

The show started off with the Lion and Tigers. What amazing animals! Then there was this Romanian couple that did acrobatic maneuvers, while suspended high about the circus. Then there was an elephant that could balance and walk on this large cylendar thing. It was amazing. Then there were these ladies that would go up on the ropes and do their dancing and hanging from the ropes while the guys on the ground would swing the rope to make them spin. (do you know what i am talking about here?)

By that time Sammie was exausted and was ready to go home. so we packed up the kids and headed back to the house. I think we missed the majority of the show but the kids were just way tooo tired and I did not want to get to the point of them loosing thier minds because they were tired stage. We made it home by 9:30 and the kids just crashed. I think they had a good time, too bad we didn't get a chance to see the whole show. Maybe next year.

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