Tuesday, March 06, 2007

More family updates...

Wow... what a busy week we all had. Robert and Andrew went to Colorado to visit Laura and her family to go snowboarding. Andrew spent his days with Alex, Van and Maya. Alex tells me that the kids were really good together. I have to had it to Alex...taking all three kids out and walking with them to the base of the mountain to get some fresh air and out of the condo. She is super woman. Robert went snowboarding with Laura and Todd and it sounded like they had a great time.

Sammie and I were all over the place back in Chicago. I am getting ready to head back to Texas for my best friends wedding Jen! So I had to go the the dress maker and have her start making my dress for the wedding (because being 7 months pregnant clothes get tight if you purchase them too early) Then Sammie and I were running errands most of the week. Monday - dropped off Robert and Drew to the airport and then off to "go shopping" of course it was Costco. Tuesday we went to the dress maker and visit Aunt Marie. Wednesday the only day of rest for us. Thursday we opened the store (the scrapbook store I work on Thurs and Fridays) then headed to my Dr. apt. (I will get back to that) we took a nap then went to "Knit Night" (did I mention I am learning how to knit? So much fun I am officially addicted) Friday we were at the store most of the day getting ready for the "garage sale" at the store. (The employee's gathered up the scrapbook items that they no longer want of need and we sold them at the store for other customers to enjoy...just like a regular garage sale except with scrapbooking supplies) By the end of the day I was very tired and starting to hurt with doing too much with being pregnant. Then Saturday I tried to clean the house before Robert and Drew came home and that just put me over the edge. Sammie and I were not at the house all week and so I had a whole weeks worth of cleaning. But we finally picked up Robert and Drew and went to dinner.
Sunday I was hurting Robert and I were supposed to go to a concert but Robert went without me. Pat Greene! Robert, Jaimie and Wade had a great time. Sorry I had to miss it but I just needed to get my rest.

The kids are happy to be together again. We are finally back to somewhat of a routine. Next big trip...TEXAS for a WEDDING!!!! So excited! Okay... That is it for now. I may have some pictures to post later. That depends on how the kids are today. Talk to you soon. :)SESIL

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